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Tag: Devops

Pipeline stoplight: making a GitLab CI pipeline status visible

A question I often run into in our trunk-based project at work is:

Can I push onto the current master, or is it broken again?

Yes, one should primarily concern oneself with the root cause of this question even existing and attempt to fix it, but I’m afraid in this project it’s a lost cause. So instead, I’ve taken to the next best thing I could think of: preventing myself and fellow team members from pushing more changes on a red pipeline and making things even worseβ„’.

Introducing the Pipeline Stoplight, or: “Don’t push unless this thing is green”:

Pipeline stoplight in its natural environment

Making it was a nice, fairly simple DIY exercise combining the following aspects:

  • 3D printing (the casing)
  • Electronics (simple circuit design and soldering)
  • Arduino programming (reading the pipeline status from the GitLab API via WiFi)

Hosting multiple sites or applications using Docker and NGINX reverse proxy with Letsencrypt SSL

small diagram

So I decided to rehost my homepage and a couple other web pages and apps on a new server. And since we’ve been using Docker and Compose for some projects at work, I thought, hey, this could be a neat clean setup for multiple apps hosted on a single machine without installing a ton of local dependencies and managing everything by hand. Here’s the story of how this went down, what I learned along the way, and how you can build the same setup without doing the same mistakes that I initially did.